2nd JOINT CONGRESS for CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY, Kreuzlingen Switzerland - Events - Dental Tribune International

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2nd JOINT CONGRESS for CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY, Kreuzlingen Switzerland


Event 14 - 16 October 2022


With only 3 months of preparation time we established from scratch the 1st JCCI in October 2021 with over 300 participants from 17 nations and 4 continents to the largest congress of its kind. As acting president of ISMI e.V. (International Society for Metalfree Implantology) I would like to invite you to the next JOINT CONGRESS in 2022! Already today (as of February 2022), more than 96% of all tickets for attendance seats have been sold. We were able to attract the “Big 5” of the ceramic implant industry this year, as well as other innovative companies as exhibitors and co-organizers.

Other scientific organizations will still confirm their participation in the coming weeks and we expect well over 500 participants for the 2nd JCCI on October 14 and 15, 2022! “Many roads lead to Rome” – and thus to ceramic implantology. With this unique congress, however, we want to create a platform that not only allows but also promotes different paths.

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