Dentsply Sirona aims high with dental implant

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Since taking the reins of Dentsply Sirona’s global implant and prosthetic business two years ago, Tony Susino has focused on customer acquisition and success, product development and digitally connected implant solutions. (Image: Dentsply Sirona)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Thu. 27. June 2024


During the 2024 Implant Solutions World Summit, held this month in Miami in the US, DTI had an opportunity to talk to Tony Susino, group vice president of global implant and prosthetic solutions at Dentsply Sirona. In this interview, he discusses this year’s summit theme, “Passion delivered”, which reflects Dentsply Sirona’s commitment to customer success, innovation and growth. He also shares insights into the summit’s focus on scientific innovations in implant dentistry, which enhance patient care through advanced technologies.

From left to right: Magda Wojtkiewicz, clinical editor at Dental Tribune International, Andreas Frank, executive vice president and chief business officer at Dentsply Sirona, and Tony Susino, group vice president of global implant and prosthetic solutions at Dentsply Sirona. (Image: Dentsply Sirona)

Mr Susino, could you elaborate on the primary goals you aim to achieve with the 2024 Implant Solutions World Summit, and could you explain how they align with Dentsply Sirona’s long-term vision for implant dentistry?
The theme of our event, “Passion delivered”, isn’t just the slogan of the meeting; it’s a summary of our implant and prosthetics solutions group strategy. Let me put it differently: our strategy is to have a passion for customers, a passion for innovation and a passion for growth. These pillars have been evident in our commitment to peer-to-peer education and community building, in our investment in our sales teams and in the harmonisation of our implant portfolio. Since I joined this business two years ago, our team has become laser-focused on three things: customer success and acquisition; new product development and the enhancement of our ability to be a digitally connected implant company; and growth through new market opportunities and the introduction of new therapies.

The goal of the meeting is to inspire clinicians, to have them learn from some of the best speakers in the world and for them to share their passion for implant dentistry with one another. We are committed to investing in our community and to sharing our solutions in order to build dental professionals’ confidence so that they are able to provide the best care possible to their patients.

What are some of the latest scientific innovations and advancements in implant dentistry being showcased at the summit, and in what way do you expect these to transform patient care?
For more than four decades, Dentsply Sirona has collaborated with clinicians and scientists at the forefront of implant dentistry. Together, we have worked to pioneer innovations that deliver excellent outcomes across an array of fields. We instil clinician confidence through predictable and reliable results, natural aesthetics and lasting bone care. The technology breakthroughs that drive these solutions—including the EV Implant Family—are recognised worldwide and supported by more than 1,400 scientific publications. Our passion for discovery, data and innovation is relentless, and our work always well documented. The EV Implant Family consists of three implant systems with different body shapes that share a common DNA. Each design is based on clinical preference and/or patient situation, but they are unified by key features such as OsseoSpeed and the EV connection. These features are supported by solid, documented preclinical and clinical evidence. Each implant system is designed to stimulate the healing process and help deliver long-term function and natural-looking aesthetics. The scientific evidence we have collected on the EV implant family is the topic of our new “A passion for progress” campaign and a science focus at the summit.

Over 600 dental professionals attended the 2024 Implant Solutions World Summit in Miami in June. (Image: Dentsply Sirona)

The advancements in implant dentistry in the scientific programme include the developments in digital dentistry involving our digital solutions—Simplant guided surgery, Atlantis, Primescan, CEREC and Primeprint—and what DS Core brings to the table, as well as our regenerative portfolio. We are also giving the most recent updates on newly published data on implant procedures, intra-oral health and peri-implantitis, as well as updates on practice building. The developments bring benefits to the patient through treatment outcomes that are more efficient and predictable and through reduced treatment time owing to more convenient and efficient procedures, including intra-oral scanning, information sharing by means of DS Core and guided surgery. 

Education and collaboration are key themes for this summit. How is Dentsply Sirona fostering these elements through the event, and what unique opportunities can attendees expect in terms of learning and networking?
At Dentsply Sirona, we recognise that education and collaboration are foundational pillars for driving innovation and progress in implant solutions. Events such as the Implant Solutions World Summit play a crucial role in driving innovation, education and community development within the realm of implant dentistry.

At the summit, we have created a vibrant ecosystem through which ideas are exchanged and partnerships—and, indeed, friendships—are formed. Through interactive workshops, panel discussions and keynote presentations, participants can engage with experts in the field, exchange insights and explore cutting-edge advancements in technology.

As part of the congress, attendees could register for a series of masterclasses focusing on various aspects of implant dentistry. These hands-on workshops and lectures covered surgical techniques, digital workflows for single-tooth and full-arch treatment, and the integration of advanced dental technologies into everyday practice.

“[There] have been 1.95 million [DS Academy] course registrations since 2019.” 

Our dedication to encouraging continuous learning and collaboration extends beyond the summit. We strive to cultivate a supportive community where the sharing of knowledge will persist long after the event concludes.

We offer the technology, the service and, through our DS Academy, the clinical education to help our customers add implant treatment to their practice offering. We have 57 education centres in 35 countries, and it is clear that dental professionals are taking advantage of these clinical education opportunities: there have been 1.95 million course registrations since 2019, and 9,200 courses took place in 84 countries in 2023. Through the DS Academy, dental professionals can also access several clinical education course series, including a 23-course implant series that will assist in building and expanding clinicians’ digital implant knowledge and skills.

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