Dental News - Atraumatic extraction of maxillary first premolar

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Atraumatic extraction of maxillary first premolar

Tooth #24 was severely decayed down to the marginal bone edge. (Image: Dr Manouchehr Kiaei)
Dr Manouchehr Kiaei, Sweden

Dr Manouchehr Kiaei, Sweden

Fri. 15. November 2019


A 70-year-old female patient visited our clinic owing to a fractured maxillary first molar. Tooth #24 had previously had a large composite restoration that was no longer in place at the time of the dental appointment.

By means of a gentle extraction technique, we managed to preserve the interradicular septum. Luxator P4, with its extremely sharp dual-edge blade, was used at the beginning, followed by Luxator P1 once some space had been created. Although the blades of these sophisticated instruments are reinforced with a titanium coating, they should only be used to cut the periodontal ligament and never to elevate the tooth.

Luxator is a registered trademark owned by Directa AB in Sweden. All Luxator instruments are manufactured in Sweden by Directa. For further information, visit

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