FDI provides continuing education with Oral Health Campus

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FDI to provide continuing education with own Oral Health Campus

With its new webinar platform, Oral Health Campus, FDI joins the worldwide movement towards offering online education, in addition to its on-site meetings and other learning opportunities. (Image: Alexander Supertramp/Shutterstock)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Fri. 12. June 2020


GENEVA, Switzerland: For FDI World Dental Federation (FDI), knowledge transfer is central to its array of activities aimed at promoting the oral health and well-being of all at all ages. In celebration of its 120-year anniversary, the organisation is launching a webinar platform called FDI Oral Health Campus that will provide dental professionals from around the world with continuing education (CE) opportunities in the comfort of their own homes.

Starting from the end of June, FDI will regularly host two types of webinars through the FDI Oral Health Campus: the first will be open to all stakeholders and will feature a broad spectrum of topics, covering all the latest developments in the field of dentistry and oral health; the second will be exclusive to FDI members only. As an organisation created by members for members, a key priority for FDI is to develop programmes and activities that are aligned with their needs, which may vary according to geographical region.

Therefore, the organisation aims to use the FDI Oral Health Campus to provide educational opportunities that will be of specific benefit to its members. Working closely with members in this way will also allow FDI to address any gaps in training and create new and relevant CE opportunities.

The very first webinar is scheduled for 25 June at 1 p.m. CEST and is entitled “The road to achieving and maintaining periodontal health”. It will be presented by Profs. David Herrera, Jöerg Meyle, Lijian Jin and Stefan Renvert, who make up the expert panel of the FDI Global Periodontal Health Project, which was launched in October 2015 to reduce the burden of periodontal disease by raising awareness of its impact and engaging the public, oral health and other health professionals, educators and policymakers in promoting periodontal health.

It is the first in a three-part series, and the speakers will provide updates on the latest research in periodontics and guide attendees through the essential steps in achieving and maintaining optimal periodontal health for their patients. The webinar will provide an update on the latest research on the aetiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease and its effect on systemic health. It will be followed by an evidence-based session on screening for periodontal disease and how to apply the new classification system, and finally an introduction to the online FDI Disease Profile Assessment Tool and the chairside guide Periodontal Diseases: Prevention and Patient Management, will be given.

“We are excited about providing new educational opportunities through this platform”

In the future, the FDI Oral Health Campus will feature webinars on a broad spectrum of topics, where in addition to sharing the latest findings and science, FDI will provide debating opportunities and use the outcomes to refine its work in order to make it more relevant to needs. FDI will also use the platform to grow awareness of the wealth of valuable resources it produces and extend their reach so that they can be used in daily practice by oral health professionals.

Since FDI is able to pool the knowledge of member associations and oral health experts from over 130 countries, all projects, programmes and activities are developed with the highest level of international input. This knowledge and experience offered through the FDI Oral Health Campus will provide broad-ranging CE-accredited educational opportunities.

“FDI is celebrating its 120-year anniversary in 2020, and this was the perfect opportunity to carry on the legacy of its founder Dr Charles Godon, who was committed to unifying the world of dentistry and sharing oral health knowledge as broadly as possible to improve the care provided to people worldwide,” said FDI President Dr Gerhard K. Seeberger. “It is with this spirit in mind that the FDI Oral Health Campus is being launched, and we are excited about providing new educational opportunities through this platform. This seems even more pertinent now, given all the disruption to traditional networking and knowledge transfer platforms caused by the COVD-19 pandemic.”

Although the FDI World Dental Congress originally scheduled for September 2020 has been cancelled, plans for the 2021 congress, which will take place in Sydney in Australia from 26 to 29 September 2021, are well under way. “The congress, of course, remains a key CE and networking platform, allowing thought leaders and experts from around the world to share their knowledge and experience. We look forward to welcoming delegates to FDI’s World Dental Congress in 2021. In the meantime, we hope everyone will benefit from the monthly learning opportunities that will be provided through the FDI Oral Health Campus,” Seeberger concluded.


2 thoughts on “FDI to provide continuing education with own Oral Health Campus”

  1. Hurhangee Deoraj says:

    Will allow Dental Surgeons to share the knowledge and experience from leaders and experts from around the world

  2. Hurhangee Deoraj says:

    We shall benefit a lot from the monthly learning opportunities from the World Dental Congress

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