Dental News - FDI World Dental Congress 2018 welcomes world of dentistry to South America

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FDI World Dental Congress 2018 welcomes world of dentistry to South America

At the 2018 World Dental Congress opening, Dr. Kathryn Kell, President of the FDI World Dental Federation, welcomed attendees with a stirring address. (Photograph: Monique Mehler, Dental Tribune International)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Thu. 6. September 2018


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina: Thirty years after it was first held in the country, the FDI World Dental Congress (WDC) has returned to Buenos Aires. Despite the three decades that have passed, FDI’s aim to make its annual congress “the absolute meeting point for the oral health profession” remains unchanged. Last night, the event was officially opened with traditional dances, speeches and a most warm welcome by FDI President Dr. Kathryn Kell.

After a very busy first day, congress attendees, FDI delegates and industry officials met in the general assembly hall at La Rural to celebrate the official opening. A big round of applause met Kell’s entering of the stage, where she greeted the audience and thanked everyone for travelling from near and far to take part in the 106th flagship event of FDI.

“Together we can celebrate being part of FDI’s rich network and local communities who are committed to improving our overall well-being worldwide. I wish you an excellent congress, and from all of us at FDI thank you for being here,” said Kell.

In his address, Dr. Guillermo Rivero, President of the Argentine dental association (Confederación Odontológica de la República Argentina), added: “We have achieved an excellent scientific program which will provide excellent opportunities to learn new and develop existing skills at this multifaceted congress.” He furthermore highlighted the importance and positive influence meetings like the WDC have on the reputation and development of emerging countries such as Argentina.

After the speeches, the audience was treated to rich cultural performances, with a spectacular tango, followed by the traditional flag ceremony in which the whole audience passionately engaged, and an entertaining Argentine gaucho dance show.

Thousands of dental professionals from all around the world are expected to attend the four-day WDC, which has been organized by Istanbul-based company evronas events and the Argentine dental association. There will be more than 160 lectures and presentations, as well as other events related to oral disease prevention and management. In addition, local and global manufacturers are showcasing their latest products and services at the exhibition in the green and yellow pavilions. Buenos Aires will be the world capital of dentistry until 8 September.

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