Making implantology simple with the MIS digital workflow

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Making implantology simple with the MIS digital workflow

Digital workflows from MIS Implants Technologies aim to simplify treatment for clinicians, laboratories and patients through seamless communication and data transition. (Image: MIS)

Wed. 26. June 2024


MISGAV, Israel: Digital workflows connect the dots in modern dentistry by merging several connected procedures into one complete treatment. The harnessing of digital tools facilitates accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, significantly improving patient outcomes and clinical efficiency. Being part of Dentsply Sirona, MIS Implants Technologies is uniquely positioned to offer its customers comprehensive digital workflows, combining MIS solutions with the latest Dentsply Sirona equipment and materials.

MIS has been investing in digital solutions for many years, and the company has watched with enthusiasm as its digital workflow has been adopted by clinicians around the world. The workflow incorporates digital imaging, intra-oral scanning, guided surgery and CAD/CAM technologies designed to enhance every step of the treatment process. According to Orit Kario, digital solutions product manager at MIS, the aim is to simplify treatment for clinicians, laboratories and patients through seamless communication and data transition.

MIS’s workflow for conical connection implants begins with a Primescan intra-oral scan and efficient prosthetically driven MSOFT planning. (Image: MIS)

MIS offers workflows for single-tooth, partial-arch and full-arch procedures that are tailored to general dentists and specialists and the setting, whether chairside or laboratory. They include implant-level and tissue-level solutions and enable implant-to-crown procedures.

For example, the company’s workflow for conical connection implants begins with a Primescan intra-oral scan and efficient prosthetically driven MSOFT planning, assisted by the MCENTER team, which provides comprehensive digital dentistry services and detailed surgical plans. In the surgical step, bone augmentation is done with the use of OSSIX biomaterials, and clinicians benefit from the advantages of the unique MGUIDE surgical guides. The C1 implant and MIS CONNECT stay-in abutment provide primary and long-term stability and offer the ability to maximise tissue-level restoration, and the use of a computer-guided approach contributes to the reduction of patient visits, treatment steps and corrections. For final restoration, MIS customers are offered a wide range of implant-level and tissue-level digital prosthetic solutions, all implemented in leading CAD software.

Kario said that being a Dentsply Sirona company allows MIS to offer clinicians significant advantages. She explained: “MIS can offer its customers a complete digital workflow that incorporates the MIS guided surgery system, the unique implant connections and the comprehensive digital prosthetic line, in combination with Dentsply Sirona equipment and materials, all under one roof. We believe that providing tools of this quality strengthens the brand and contributes to customer trust.”

What can clinicians and laboratories gain from adopting the digital workflow? Kario emphasised: “Digital workflows address procedural challenges that impact clinical efficiency, may improve profit potential and drive actual practice growth.”

To learn more, visit the digital workflow page on the MIS website.

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