AIC Europe to continue providing online training and lecture

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AIC Europe to continue providing online training and lectures

AIC Europe provides online courses on various topics via Osstem OnDemand. (Image: Osstem Implant)

Fri. 18. February 2022


PRAGUE, Czech Republic: In the recent decade, online learning has become increasingly favourable and essential. Having this in mind and desiring to ensure that dentists remain up to date on dentistry’s latest techniques and developments, the Advanced Dental Implant Research and Education Center (AIC) Europe has recently announced its 2022 speaker line-up for its video-on-demand lecture programme Osstem OnDemand.

After having successfully offered online training and lectures for about two years, AIC Europe continues to keep the dental community informed, no matter where they are in the world. Throughout 2022, a total of eight renowned speakers will present lectures covering topics such as dental implantology, sinus grafting, narrow ridge reconstruction, aesthetics and digital dentistry.

Osstem OnDemand line-up. (Image: Osstem Implant)

To begin proceedings in 2022, Prof. Marco Tallarico from the University of Sassari in Italy presented a lecture, titled “Guided bone regeneration: Biomaterials and surgical techniques for successful implant rehabilitations”, on 15 February. Prof. Tallarico runs a private practice specialising in dental implantsand prosthodontics and has held the European Association for Osseointegration’s Certificate in Implant-based Therapy since 2013.

More than 40 lectures by professionals from both inside and
outside Europe have already been presented as part of the Osstem OnDemand video-on-demand seminar programme, and Prof. Tallarico’s presentation will add to the impressive amount of informative and dynamic content already available for professionals desiring to learn new skills and techniques.

Throughout 2022, a new lecture will be released every third Tuesday of each month.

For more information, please visit Dental professionals can also register as members on the platform to receive updates on new contents.

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