OIC Europe to expand focus and work

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Osstem highlights education in 2024 with new focus and expanded educational offering

OIC Europe, formerly known as the Advanced Dental Implant Research and Education Center, continues to provide robust educational material and opportunities globally to clinicians. (Image: Osstem Implant)

Fri. 23. February 2024


PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Since the announcement of the new Osstem Implant Scientific Community (OIC) Europe early last year, the organisation has evolved in an innovative and dynamic way, transcending its initial role as a platform for dentists while continuing its commitment to keeping the dental community well informed, irrespective of geographical barriers. The updated objective and the expansion of OIC’s digital educational programme are designed to contribute to the global advancement of dentistry.

The primary objective now is to provide valuable experiences and opportunities for dentists in Europe in a way that goes beyond simple information sharing. This evolution involves the sharing of compelling case studies, the hosting of academic events and the fostering of an environment where promising new dentists can thrive and reach their maximum potential.

The aim is to establish an international network of experts excelling in dental knowledge by attracting diverse dentists from various cultures and specialties to share their experiences and expertise. Through this collaborative effort, the quality of dental care can be elevated worldwide and improved treatment options can be offered to patients. OIC Europe remains committed to constant evolution, actively seeking new ideas and innovative approaches in order to realise its vision.

Furthermore, OIC Europe continues to live up to its reputation as a stable and influential provider of various educational programmes, including online learning opportunities, having provided online education and lectures for over four years. The recent announcement of the line-up of speakers for this year expands the video-on-demand lecture series OIC OnDemand.

This year’s panel of speakers includes eight highly regarded lecturers who will deliver presentations on various topics, including dental implantology, sinus lift, implant treatment, aesthetics and digital dentistry. OIC emphasises its dedication to providing a platform for young professionals to showcase and share their work and collaborate with prominent experts. This year’s events kicked off on 20 February with a lecture by Dr Vygandas Rutkunas from Lithuania, titled “Accuracy of digital implant impressions and clinical fit of prostheses”.

OIC OnDemand has already featured over 50 lectures by dental professionals from Europe and beyond. The addition of new speakers and presentations will further enrich the repository of informative and dynamic content available for dental professionals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Throughout 2024, new lectures will be released regularly. The release dates will be the third Tuesdays of March, April, May, June, September, October and November, thereby ensuring a consistent supply of valuable educational material for dental professionals. For more information, please visit www.oic-europe.eu, where dental professionals can register as members in order to stay updated on new content releases.

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