Interview: ROOTS SUMMIT “is not to be missed”

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Interview: ROOTS SUMMIT “is not to be missed”

Dr Gianluca Plotino will speak at this year’s ROOTS SUMMIT, which is being held in the Czech capital from 26 to 29 May. (Image: Yitz Fisch/Shutterstock, Gianluca Plotino)

In about two months, ROOTS SUMMIT, one of the most exciting endodontic events of this year, will kick off in Prague in the Czech Republic. One of the speakers will be Dr Gianluca Plotino, who will contribute to the rich programme with a hands-on course and a lecture. In this interview, Dr Plotino, who maintains a private practice specialising in endodontics and restorative dentistry in Rome in Italy, gives a preview of his congress topics and explains why endodontists should attend the event.

Dr Plotino, you will be very busy at this year’s ROOTS SUMMIT, as you will present two different topics. What do you find most rewarding about teaching?
I love it when people thank me and tell me that my suggestions, tips and tricks have changed their professional lives! That is a priceless experience!

For your hands-on course, which will focus on how to use different files for root canal anatomy, you encourage participants to bring well-preserved extracted teeth to practise on. What instruments and clinical techniques will participants get to know during your workshop?
During my workshop, the clinical procedures for treating root canals having various difficulties will be explained and demonstrated on resin teeth in order to show the standard clinical techniques and the use of various instruments. I encourage all participants to bring natural teeth because trying the instruments on extracted teeth that have open access cavities will give them a better overview of the performance of the tools. I will show them how to integrate the reciprocating instruments R-PILOT (VDW) and RECIPROC blue (VDW) and the VDW.ROTATE rotary files into their practices.

Could you briefly summarise your lecture on minimally invasive approaches in endodontic procedures and tell us what the take-home message for attendees will be?
Following the trend of minimally invasive dentistry, the concept of minimally invasive endodontics emerged. However, I prefer to call it anatomically invasive endodontics as all endodontic procedures must be guided by the original root canal anatomy. In my lecture, I will describe how to find a good balance between maximising the preservation of the tooth structure and keeping endodontic procedures safe and efficient.

What are you personally looking forward to at the upcoming ROOTS SUMMIT?
All lectures given by my colleagues and friends deserve to be followed with the utmost attention, and I will be there to learn. In addition, I will be happy to see so many friends in person after such a long time!

Can you name three reasons why everyone interested and involved in endodontics should come to the event?
It’s one of the most important endodontic events of the year, one of the first to take place as an in-person event after a long time, and it has a great scientific, cultural and social offering. It is not to be missed!


Editorial note:

Dr Plotino’s hands-on course, titled “How to integrate different files to face the root canal anatomy”, will be held on 26 May from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. His lecture on minimally invasive endodontic approaches will be presented on 28 May from 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

More information on the programme and registration can be found on the ROOTS SUMMIT website.

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