Dental News - Straumann shareholders approve all proposals at AGM

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Straumann shareholders approve all proposals at AGM

On 4 April, Straumann shareholders met in Basel to vote on proposals put forward by the board of directors. (Photograph: Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock)

Fri. 13. April 2018


BASEL, Switzerland: At the recent Straumann annual general meeting, held on 4 April, shareholders met in Basel to vote on ten proposals put forward by the board of directors for 2018. Together with proxies and online voters, the 318 shareholders who attended the meeting represented 74 per cent of the total share capital. Every proposal put forward was approved.

Among the matters up for vote were the re-election of Gilbert Achermann as member and chairman of the board, as well as Monique Bourquin, Dr Sebastian Burckhardt, Ulrich Looser, Dr Beat Lüthi, Dr Thomas Straumann and Regula Wallimann as board members. The appointment of each member was confirmed for one year. In addition, Bourquin, Looser and Straumann were re-elected to the Compensation Committee for a one-year period.

Besides the appointment of board members, the appropriation of earnings and dividend payment for the 2017 business year was approved: CHF75 million for the 2017 dividend and a balance of CHF940 million carried forward. The approved dividend corresponds to CHF4.75 per share, an increase of CHF0.50 from 2017. The dividend was to be paid as of 12 April 2018, with the ex-dividend date set for 10 April 2018. Additionally, the fixed compensation of the board of directors for the next term will be a maximum amount of CHF2.4 million. Approximately 40 per cent of the compensation is paid in shares at market value, and the shares are blocked for a two-year period.

Further re-elections were confirmed, including that of Neovius in Basel as the independent voting representative and of Ernst & Young in Basel as the auditors for the 2018 business year.

The next general meeting of Straumann’s shareholders will take place on 5 April 2019 at the Congress Center Basel.

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