ICOI Asia Pacific Section & The First Greater China Congress - Events - Dental Tribune International

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ICOI Asia Pacific Section & The First Greater China Congress



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Event 11 - 13 November 2016

ICOI Asia-Pacific Announcement

Dear ICOI members:

In recent years, the ICOI Asia-Pacific meetings and academic seminars achieved grand success in various countries, we thank the efforts from our ICOI leaders as well as our members’ support.

Asia-Pacific Section board adopted the resolution: The 19th ICOI Asia Pacific Section & The First Greater China Congress is scheduled for November 11~13, 2016, to be held in Hong Kong. The event will be hosted by the Greater China region, namely CHINA and TAIWAN, this region is also the world’s most concentrated area of ICOI Chinese membership.

The President of the Shanghai Number Ninth People’s Hospital Dr. Shen Guofang (President of ICOI CHINA) and the new ICOI Board of Director Dr. Bor-Jia Kuo will be the Congress Co-chairmen.

ICOI AP Section also welcome recommendations from whom wishes to participate in the preparatory meeting (Scientific Board). To be a candidate of this board, at least one of the following qualifications is required:

  1. Active ICOI Diplomate.
  2. Dental school or hospital Professor, Director who is an ICOI active member

Please send your CV and a photo to the Asia-Pacific office: sayuritsai.ap@gmail.comConference Preparatory (Scientific Board) Meeting:

Date / Venue: March 25~26, 2016 will hold its first meeting in Shanghai China.
Open for nomination deadline: December 31, 2015, the selection result after discussion will be posted on ICOI AP section website. ICOI-AP.ORG

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