Dental News - Biolux Research and inviSolution to host orthodontic seminar in Cologne

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Biolux Research and inviSolution to host orthodontic seminar in Cologne

One of the keynote speakers, Matthias Peper (third from left), will be giving a presentation on treatment planning for complex cases. (Photograph: inviSolution)

Tue. 15. August 2017


COLOGNE, Germany: Biolux Research and inviSolution have announced a new seminar for orthodontists seeking professional training and who would like to acquire continuing education credits. The event will be held in Cologne on 6 September. Based on clinical studies, the seminar will look at the advantages and clinical results of a combined orthodontic therapy, using light-activated and -accelerated treatments as a complement to aligners.

Two keynote speakers will be addressing participants during the seminar. The first, Dr Chisato Dan, from Tokyo in Japan, will be presenting a paper titled “Light accelerated orthodontics with 3-day aligner change protocols”. A graduate of Kanagawa Dental University in Japan, Dan is a member of the Smile Innovation Orthodontics clinic in Tokyo and a board member of and speaker for the Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics. She has lectured in Japan, Korea and the US, and in 2016, co-authored a paper on Biolux’s OrthoPulse titled “Invisalign treatment accelerated by photobiomodulation” and published in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. On a bimonthly basis, Dan writes for the Journal of Orthodontic Practice, a Japanese publication.

The second speaker, Matthias Peper, CEO of inviSolution, will be giving a presentation titled “Treatment planning for complex cases”. After graduating as a master dental technician, Peper specialised in digital aligner therapy and worked for several years at Align Technology, first as a clinical adviser and later as clinical team leader for central Europe, in which role he trained other clinical advisers. In 2014, he founded inviSolution dental, a treatment planning services company, and to date, he has worked on more than 10,000 Invisalign ClinCheck treatment plans.

Between the two presentations, there will be a short break during which hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. The registration fee is €109 plus VAT, and participants will receive four continuing education credits in accordance with the German Dental Association/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde [German society of dentistry and oral and maxillofacial medicine] guidelines.

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