Introducing Medit’s new product, the Medit i900

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DDS.Berlin: Introducing Medit’s new product, the Medit i900

Medit is presenting its new intra-oral scanner, the Medit i900, at the Digital Dentistry Show. (All images: Dental Tribune International)

Fri. 28. June 2024


BERLIN, Germany: Medit, a global provider of 3D intra-oral scanners and an all-in-one digital dentistry platform, has launched its third-generation intra-oral scanner, the Medit i900. Redefining the landscape of intra-oral scanners, the Medit i900 offers a comprehensive solution that will elevate the capabilities of dental practice and enhance dental professionals’ ability to deliver outstanding patient care. The key features, which will be presented at the Digital Dentistry Show on 28 and 29 June in Berlin in Germany, include a touch control interface, a third-generation all-new optical engine and an enhanced field of view.

With its touch control interface, the Medit i900 transforms intra-oral scanning, enabling effortless navigation and seamless scanning. Powered by a third-generation optical engine, it delivers unparalleled accuracy and vivid detail. Additionally, its compact unibody design ensures comfort and hygiene, and its slim build prevents cross-contamination and facilitates easy cleaning.

Dr Markus Käppler, regional manager for Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic at Medit, commented: “The touchpad and touch band allow users to perform every action without having to lift their hand from the scanner, creating a more efficient and hygienic scanning experience. Remember when the first smartphone was launched, and people thought a phone without buttons would never be successful? This is the future of intra-oral scanners.”

With its enhanced field of view, the Medit i900 simplifies scanning for various clinical needs, thus addressing common challenges faced by dental professionals during intra-oral scanning procedures. “The Medit i900 now enables users to efficiently capture a wider range of areas in less time, particularly simplifying the scanning process for edentulous areas. This facilitates continuous and uninterrupted scanning, making it easy to use, even for those without prior scanning experience,” Dr Käppler commented.

Lightweight and user-friendly, the Medit i900 redefines the scanning experience in dentistry, enhancing diagnostic capabilities and clinical efficiency. Compared with previous intra-oral scanner models, the scanner offers great advancements in accuracy and detail. “The Medit i900’s advanced scanning capabilities, including deeper and improved interproximal scanning, along with flawless metal scanning, revolutionise restorative dentistry, providing practitioners with unparalleled diagnostic precision even in challenging conditions,” Dr Käppler concluded.

Over two decades of innovation

Medit develops innovative software for digital dentistry, supporting collaborative workflows between dental clinics and laboratories. The company has been headquartered in Seoul in South Korea since its inception in 2000. It also has representatives in the Americas and Europe and boasts a global network of distributors in over 100 countries.

For detailed information about Medit products and software, please visit its official website at For other content, please refer to Medit’s official YouTube channel at and its social media channel at

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