Study reviews success and survival rates of endocrowns

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Endocrowns: Study reviews success and survival rates

A systematic review has found that, in some cases, endocrowns provide a good alternative to conventional crowns and have an acceptable long-term survival rate. (Image: Ikonoklast Fotografie/Shutterstock)

Fri. 17. July 2020


JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia: Endocrowns provide an alternative approach to restoring extensively damaged endodontically treated teeth. However, owing to a lack of data on their long-term survival and success rates, a Saudi researcher has conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine when and whether they are an appropriate and predictable restorative option. He concluded that endocrowns appear to be a promising conservative restorative choice in selected patients.

In order to assist clinicians in the decision-making process, Dr Raghad A. al-Dabbagh, who works at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics in the Faculty of Dentistry at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, collated and reviewed published work on endocrown and conventional crown survival and success rates. The results of his meta-analysis showed an estimated overall five-year success rate of 77.7% for endocrowns and of 94.0% for conventional crowns. There were no statistically significant differences in overall survival or success estimates between the assessed restoration types.

In an interview with Dental Tribune International, al-Dabbagh explained that, while conventional crowns tend to perform better than endocrowns, the latter are still a sensible choice in some cases: “Endocrowns should be used in patients with extensively destructed teeth that would prefer to avoid crown lengthening or orthodontic treatment, to create a ferrule, for a predictable coronal restoration with a post and core and a crown.”

The noticeable difference between the survival rate of endocrowns and that of conventional crowns is the result of some of its disadvantages. According to al-Dabbagh, endocrowns are technique-sensitive because retention is highly dependent on bonding, and they are mainly indicated in molars with large pulp chambers.

However, endocrowns can be a simple alternative treatment because they conserve tooth structure and are easy to construct and time-efficient. “If endocrowns are selectively used, they provide a conservative, cost-effective alternative to conventional coronal restorations with acceptable survival rates,” al-Dabbagh added. However, further clinical studies are needed in his opinion.

The study, titled “Survival and success of endocrowns: A systematic review and meta-analysis”, was published online on 18 March 2020 in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, ahead of inclusion in an issue.


One thought on “Endocrowns: Study reviews success and survival rates

  1. Keith says:

    what is an endocrown??? How do you make one???

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