Dental News - Experts discuss aesthetics and function at international congress in Sardinia

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Experts discuss aesthetics and function at international congress in Sardinia

The tenth International Congress of the Italian Dental Association will be held on the island of Sardinia, 15-17 June. (Image: Italian Dental Association)
Italian Dental Association

Italian Dental Association

Thu. 23. May 2019


CHIA, Italy: “Focus on New Visions in Dentistry” is the theme at the 10th International Dental Congress and will take place in Chia in Sardinia on 13–15 June. The Italian Dental Association will host a myriad of speakers from around the world who will deliver lectures on an array of topics covering all aspects of dentistry. Also included are hands-on sessions and the 18th Sardinian Meeting, a dental trade show.

Plenary session highlights on Friday, 14 June

Featured speakers Drs Istvan Urban, Gaetano Calesini and Ignazio Loi each bring a world of experience to the congress. Urban was born and raised in Hungary, currently teaches implantology at Loma Linda University in California and has published a book on his work, titled Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives. During the session, Urban will give a presentation on the importance of patient selection in reducing complications in bone grafting procedures.

The first Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry symposium will make its debut on Friday afternoon with Calesini from Rome in Italy lecturing on “The determinants of peri-implant tissue anatomy: A bio-mimetic approach”. Directly following this lecture will be Drs Ignazio Loi and Mauro Fadda. Loi is creator of the well known biologically oriented preparation technique that calls for the vertical preparation of the natural abutment, allowing for a natural soft-tissue adaptation to the prosthetic profile determined by the crown.

The day will round off with Giuseppe Romeo, a dental technician from Turin in Italy, presenting a lecture on the technical, diagnostic and aesthetic approach in simple and complex aesthetic rehabilitation. The session ends with Zerodonto speakers Drs Fabio Cozzolino and Roberto Sorrentino from the University of Naples Federico II in Italy, who will discuss complex rehabilitation in areas of high aesthetic impact and the role of digital dentistry.

Programme highlights on Saturday, 15 June

Lectures by seven speakers representing three schools of thought in dentistry (Italian, German and Brazilian) will add to the full day of presentations held in the main lecture hall.

The programme will commence with Dr Irene Sailer from Switzerland delivering the keynote lecture on the increasing role and shift of digitalisation and CAD/CAM technology in restorative dentistry. Dr Daniel Edelhoff from Germany continues with a presentation titled “Innovative pre-treatment options for complex rehabilitations”, showing how digital technology, with its access to an abundance of information, offers greater predictability.

Following this, Drs Roberto Spreafico and Vincenzo Musella take the stand for Italy’s first round. Spreafico, founder of the Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, the Digital Dental Academy and the International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine, will speak on his 30 years of direct and indirect restorations. Musella, author of the text Modern Esthetic Dentistry and instructor at the University of Modena in Italy, will discuss how aesthetic results which disappoint patient expectations are not the result of clinical or technical problems, but of poor communication with patients.

Ending the morning, Dr Milko Villaroel, director of CWB Dental Training in Curitiba in Brazil, will explore ceramics in tooth and implant rehabilitation. Dr Paulo Kano from the São Leopoldo Mandic university in São Paulo in Brazil, author of the book Challenging Nature, co-developer of the SKYN concept with Livio Yoshinaga, and creator of the CLLONES concept in digital dentistry, will discuss a digital workflow, taking into account patient prototype.

Italy’s second round will be the grand finale. Dr Camillo D’Arcangelo, co-author with Dr Lorenzo Vanini of the book Estetica, Funzione, Postura (Aesthetics, Function, Posture) and lecturer in restorative dentistry at the Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara in Italy, will discuss the rehabilitation of patients with temporomandibular disorders using the aesthetic-function-posture approach and additive prosthetics. Dr Francesco Mangani, President-elect of the Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry and instructor in the conservative-restorative programme at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in Italy, will discuss how to preserve endodontically treated teeth that were placed at risk by using incorrect restorative approaches.

The Chia Congress app can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store and Google Play. Information on the hands-on sessions; the pre-congress sessions; the events, such as MegaGen Day, the European Society of Dental Ergonomics meeting and the FACE XP Meeting; and how to earn international credits can all be found on the app. All of these events are taking place on the amazing southern Sardinian coast in June!

Registration is open at and hotel reservations can be made at

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