Dental News - Five quick questions with Prof. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago

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Five quick questions with Prof. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago

Besides his scienfitic work as a dentist, Prof. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago is the Editor-in-Chief of the JOSR. (Photograph: Prof. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago)

Fri. 22. March 2019


Dental Tribune International asked Prof. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago five quickfire questions about his background in dentistry and what inspires him in his day-to-day work. In the interview, Diago also shed some light on his role as become the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Oral Science and Rehabilitation (JOSR).

Prof. Peñarrocha Diago, what is your background in dentistry?
I finished my degree in medicine and surgery in 1997, then I specialised in stomatology and later in neurology. I studied orofacial pain for ten years and taught medicine. Later, I started with surgery and oral implantology. For 15 years, I have been Professor of Oral Surgery at the University of Valencia in Spain.

The areas I have worked in throughout my life have been orofacial pain, extraction of impacted teeth, local anaesthesia, periapical surgery and oral implantology. Currently, I am dedicated to the same areas, with a greater focus on periapical surgery (preserving teeth at a time when our profession is tending towards extraction and society does not value natural teeth and overestimates implants) and implantology, especially implants in the case of severe maxillary atrophy and immediate loading.

How did you become the Editor-in-Chief of the JOSR?
The journal came into being thanks to the drive of a group of dental professionals and friends, such as Dr Daniele Botticelli, Prof. Ugo Covani and Dr Luigi Canullo. All of them are dental professionals with significant research and clinical backgrounds and whom I joined to create a new journal that covers the current dental panorama.

What is your favourite part of your role as Editor-In-Chief?
The most interesting part is having the opportunity to read the newest research from groups all over the world. Thanks to Nathalie Schüller, Managing Editor of JOSR, the revision process of the manuscripts is greatly simplified!

What sets JOSR apart from other scientific journals?
JOSR is a great journal with good articles, interesting content, layout of high quality, and high-quality images. The strong point of the journal is that is it completely open access, through Dental Tribune’s website, and free of charge. That is something exceptional. JOSR needs to be indexed in international citation indexes to consolidate its growth and keep improving its scientific relevance. Nowadays, all authors want to publish in journals that are listed in scientific indexes.

What inspires you in your day-to-day work?
I like the combination of daily clinical activity with patients, which is my job as a dentist, with teaching and research at university. Dentistry is a demanding profession. It requires at least ten years of dedication to get to know the basics of what to do and know how to do it. There are many procedures and a lot of information to learn, and one’s professional life passes by in the blink of an eye.

In oral surgery, I strive for excellence every day. I still want to learn, to ensure the best for patients and students, with the idea that if I do something well and pass it on to students, it will spread with much speed, reaching more patients sooner.

The most important professional achievement is having reached a clinical level that allows me to treat my patients with confidence in what I do, and at the teaching level, to have enough resources to be able to teach what the student should know how to do. At the researcher level, I have conducted plenty of clinical research, which has meant that the University of Valencia is well positioned in the international indexes of oral surgery and implantology. This effort has been rewarded by my university with the Chair of Oral Surgery, giving me a job at a personal level that allows me to perform my tasks every day with enthusiasm.

Thank you very much for the interview.

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