Dental News - GC America to present free dental symposium on emulating nature

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GC America to present free dental symposium on emulating nature

GC America will be hosting an online symposium with lectures covering topics such as isolation, dental esthetics and fiber-reinforced composite restorations. (Image: fizkes/Shutterstock)

Tue. 26. October 2021


Alsip, Ill., U.S.: GC America will be hosting a one-day virtual symposium on Oct. 29 as part of the many events accompanying GC’s centennial celebrations. At this free educational event, dental experts from the U.S. and Europe will come together to deliver lectures on a range of topics under the banner “Emulate Nature with Conservative Dentistry.”

The symposium will feature three engaging lectures addressing such topics as isolation, resin adaptation, gap avoidance, esthetics and fiber-reinforced composite restorations. There will be a focus on histo-anatomic analysis, dynamic light observation and additive resin composite restorations. According to GC, attendees will gain a better understanding of the optical properties of tissue and materials and will learn how to select cases that are ideal for direct composite veneering versus indirect porcelain veneers and how to use simple layering for beautiful optical effects that rival natural teeth.

Drs. Javier Tapia Guadix, Abdi Sameni and Mehrdad Razaghy will be presenting at the virtual event, which will be moderated by Dr. Nathaniel Lawson. The symposium will then conclude with a Q & A session and panel discussion presided over by Dr. Lawson.

For further information on this event and other educational opportunities provided by GC America, please visit the company’s website or get in touch via email at


1 thoughts on “GC America to present free dental symposium on emulating nature”

  1. Edmund Tan says:

    From Singapore
    interested in event

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