Dental News - Interview: “BlueM supports the body’s own healing process”

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Denise Leusink works as oral health adviser at blue m to promote the beneficial effects and healing properties of oxygen in oral care. (Photograph: Nathan Reinds)
Franziska Beier, DTI

Franziska Beier, DTI

Mon. 17. September 2018


Awareness of the importance of oral care during pregnancy has been increasing, and this is also apparent in the dental products available today. Dutch company BlueM, for example, offers an oral care range that is safe for pregnant women and children. Denise Leusink, oral health adviser at BlueM, spoke to Dental Tribune International about the rationale behind development of the BlueM line, its effects on oral health and particular concerns for pregnant women regarding oral care.

Ms Leusink, the founding of the BlueM brand was somewhat of a coincidence arising from Fokke Jan Middendorp sustaining an injury during a hockey game. Can you elaborate a bit on this story?
Ha, I love this story! Fokke Jan is a former international hockey player and one day was injured during a game. Dr Peter Blijdorp, a maxillofacial surgeon, was watching the game. He came to Fokke Jan and asked him if he could apply a gel on his knee to relieve the pain. It turned out that Peter was determined to achieve a new and different way of practising dentistry—not one that was unhealthy or aggressiv e, but one that was gentle on the body. All he wanted for his patients was minimally invasive surgery, meaning a minimal amount of pain and the fastest recovery possible. During his quest, he discovered the power and beneficial effect of oxygen and developed a gel based on active oxygen that accelerated wound healing. Fokke Jan was so enthusiastic that he wanted to help Peter and together they started BlueM. The first product they launched was the oral gel, which is the perfected version of Peter’s oxygen gel.

What was it that motivated you and your team to develop the blue m product line?
BlueM is different from other oral care brands. Peter wanted to make a difference for his patients and help as many people as possible with body-friendly solutions. The realisation of Peter’s dream is what drives us as the BlueM team. We receive many, many stories from BlueM users from all around the world and we are constantly impressed by the remarkable, almost magical results. It is both exciting and humbling and as a team we feel grateful to continue on the journey started by our founder.

What active agents do the products contain and how do they work?
The basis of BlueM is sodium perborate, honey, xylitol and lactoferrin. Sodium perborate slowly releases a body-friendly amount of active oxygen. Oxygen plays a key role in wound healing because it accelerates the wound healing process. Active oxygen kills anaerobic bacteria, which are the cause of most oral problems. Honey is a carrier of oxygen and has many antibacterial functions. Xylitol stimulates salivary flow, helps remineralisation and kills Streptococcus mutans. Last but not least is lactoferrin, an immune-boosting protein that stimulates bone regrowth.

Does BlueM toothpaste contain fluoride?
We have two toothpastes: one without fluoride and one with 1,000 ppm calcium fluoride. When BlueM started, we focused on patients with implants. Fluoride corrodes the titanium surface layer of implants, which means that one should rather use fluoride-free toothpaste. Since many people without implants are using our products nowadays and dental  professionals asked for a fluoride toothpaste, we created one.

Does the toothpaste contain sugar because of the added honey?
The sugar in the biological, cold-extracted honey is converted into water and oxygen when it comes into contact with liquids. The catalyst in this process is called glucose oxidase. The sugar in honey is completely converted, which means there is no risk of caries.

The blue m product range. (Photograph: BlueM)

Why is this product suitable for pregnant women?
BlueM supports the body’s own healing process. Because of the products’ natural effects, they are suitable for long-term use. Other products, which are mostly chemical, can only be used for a short period. Blue m products are safe for children and pregnant women.

Gain a child, lose a tooth—truth or myth?
It is true that many women develop caries after their pregnancy. During pregnancy, there are many changes: fluctuating levels of calcium and magnesium, altered nutrition resulting from consuming more snacks, hormone fluctuations and even less time for oral hygiene. All these external factors can lead to caries. Therefore, I believe it to be a myth because the development of caries is caused by many factors beyond pregnancy.

Periodontitis is associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. What adverse consequences of this correlation might be of particular concern for pregnant women?
Periodontitis causes an increase in the prostaglandin level, which induces contractions. Studies show that women with periodontitis have a two to seven times greater chance of preterm birth due to this high level of prostaglandin. It also works the other way around: treatment of periodontitis can reduce the chance of preterm birth. That is why it is so important to be aware of the effects of your oral health when you are pregnant.

Why is the topic of oral care in pregnant women not as widely discussed as it should be?
I think that many midwives are not aware of the risk of poor oral health for the unborn child, as it is not a part of their protocol. Luckily, I see that more and more pregnant women are being referred to dental hygienists by their midwives. This is a good thing and I believe that this interprofessional cooperation should become part of the protocol. I truly hope this awareness grows in the future.

What oral hygiene measures do you recommend to pregnant women?
Make sure that you do not have gingival bleeding! So, brush twice a day and use toothpicks or interdental brushes on a daily basis. Especially during the second trimester, prevalence of gingivitis and anaerobic bacteria increases. That makes it even more important to work on your oral hygiene. The BlueM products can be a great addition to your routine.

Does BlueM have a unique position on the dental market because it specifically offers oral health products for pregnant women?
BlueM products have not been specifically developed for pregnant women, but it is true that the products are safe to use during pregnancy, in contrast to many other oral health products.

Do you recommend the use of BlueM also for non-pregnant people?
BlueM products have a wide range of use. We see that blue m is most commonly used by people with implants, periodontal problems or oral wounds. Since it accelerates wound healing, it has many indications. For example, the elderly use our oral foam to take care of their gingivae and clean their dentures. Our oxygen fluid is often used by cancer patients to support wound healing after chemo- or radiotherapy.

What sets BlueM apart from other products?
BlueM supports the body’s own healing process. That’s unique in oral care.

Where is the product available, and how much does it cost?
BlueM is promoted by top dental professionals in more than 40 countries. You can buy it online, in various clinics and in many pharmacies. We have distributors worldwide; for an overview, see our website The price ranges from €5.95 for a mouth spray to €24.95 for the oxygen fluid, which is a medical product.

Thank you very much for the interview.


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