Dental News - Journal of Dental Research celebrates 100 years of publishing

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Journal of Dental Research celebrates 100 years of publishing

In celebration of its publishing centenary, the Journal of Dental Research will be releasing a series of articles and podcasts looking back at topics that have transformed dental, oral and craniofacial research. (Photograph: Cozine/Shutterstock)

Thu. 10. January 2019


ALEXANDRIA, Va., U.S.: Respected journals in dentistry are influential regarding the dissemination of new findings and groundbreaking research. This year, the Journal of Dental Research (JDR), is celebrating its publishing centenary. To mark this milestone, the journal will feature a yearlong commemorative article series and a podcast series highlighting topics that have transformed dental, oral and craniofacial research over the past 100 years.

Contributing to the commemorative series, JDR Editor-in-Chief Prof. William V. Giannobile, JDR Clinical & Translational Research Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jocelyne Feine, and former JDR Editors Profs. Mark C. Herzberg, Colin Dawes and Anthony J. Smith will collaboratively work on the opening series, titled “The Journal of Dental Research: A century of shaping dentistry.”

Speaking about the upcoming series, Giannobile said, “I am honored to contribute to the commemoration of this milestone and to be a part of the rich history of the JDR that has helped shape the course of dental research and the profession of dentistry. Through the ‘Historical Highlights’ series, we hope that you enjoy ‘stepping back in time’ as well as looking forward to the next 100 years of JDR.”

Along with the editorial contributions, a series of podcasts will also be released. The first, titled “Launch of the Journal of Dental Research centennial celebration year” will feature a conversation between Giannobile, International Association for Dental Research (IADR) President Prof. Rena D’Souza and American Association for Dental Research (AADR) President Dr. Maria Emanuel Ryan, and will be moderated by IADR/AADR CEO Dr. Christopher H. Fox.

Additionally, the JDR will be honored at the 97th General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, which will be held in conjunction with the 48th Annual Meeting of the AADR and the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research in Vancouver, British Columbia, from June 19 to 22, 2019.

More information on the JDR centennial can be found at

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