Dental News - Live webinar: New perspectives on the implant-abutment complex

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Live webinar: New perspectives on the implant-abutment complex

In a free webinar, Dr. Stavros Pelekanos will present new implant designs and treatment sequences for the single implant-abutment-crown complex in the esthetic zone. (Photograph: Tribune CME)

Wed. 26. July 2017


NEW YORK, USA: When completing the restoration of a single-tooth implant in the esthetic zone, many dentists may find it challenging to choose the appropriate surgical and prosthetic procedure for ensuring long-term stability and osseointegration. In an upcoming free webinar on Thursday, July 27, an expert will present several clinical cases focused on the single implant-abutment-crown complex and highlight new implant designs and treatment sequences.

An abundance of clinical and scientific evidence demonstrates that, when it comes to implant positioning in the esthetic zone, identifying the correct location for the future crown with regards to the adjacent teeth can reduce the need for soft and hard tissue enhancement. In the webinar, Dr. Stavros Pelekanos will use several case studies to introduce new ways of thinking about implant-focused workflows and maximizing their outcomes with the help of MIS Implant Technologies’ guided implantology system, MGUIDE.

Pelekanos is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Dentistry at the University of Athens. In 2011, he was awarded first prize in the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry’s Scientific Awards competition and he has been an active member of the Academy since 2013. He maintains his private practice in Athens, Greece.

The 1-hour webinar, titled “The implant-abutment complex in the esthetic zone. New perspectives” will be broadcast live on Thursday, July 27, from 2 p.m. EST (New York). Attendance is free of charge after easy registration on the website. Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn continuing education credits by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic.

Dental professionals who are interested in attending the course may register online here.

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