Dental News - New data paints a clearer picture about Australian dental practitioners

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New data paints a clearer picture about Australian dental practitioners

Statistics released by the Dental Board of Australia show that there were 101 new registrations of dental practitioners across Australia during the period of 1 April to 30 June 2019. (Photograph: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock)

Thu. 19. September 2019


SYDNEY, Australia: Understanding the dental industry is a key function of the Dental Board of Australia, and the board plays an important role in the regulation of dental practitioners. Recently, the board released data on the state of the profession with regard to new registrations. The data gathered informs the board’s decisions on standards, codes and guidelines for the dental profession.

According to the latest data, during the period of 1 April to 30 June 2019, an additional 101 dental practitioners registered across Australia, pushing the number of registrants overall to 23,730, of which 17,727 were dentists. Breaking down the numbers by sex, the report stated that 51.8% were female (12,304) and 48.2% male (11,426) and that 494 women and 1,274 men held specialist registration.

In addition to the data on new registrations and sex, the data from the Dental Board of Australia painted a clearer picture on where dental professionals are working. It shows that the majority of registrants are based in either New South Wales or Victoria (29.20% and 23.33%, respectively). The next largest groups practise in Queensland (20.21%), Western Australia (11.54%) and South Australia (8.26%).

The Dental Board of Australia noted that its functions include:

  • registering dentists, students, dental specialists, dental therapists, dental hygienists, oral health therapists and dental prosthetists;
  • developing standards, codes and guidelines for the dental profession;
  • handling notifications, complaints, investigations and disciplinary hearings;
  • overseeing the assessment of overseas-trained practitioners who wish to practise in Australia; and
  • approving accreditation standards and accredited courses of study.
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