Dental News - Organisers predicting KRAKDENT 2018 to be the most successful to date

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Organisers predicting KRAKDENT 2018 to be the most successful to date

KRAKDENT 2017 had 410 international and national exhibitors (an impression of the show floor is pictured above), this year’s congress will have over 430, with more than 15,000 attendees expected. (Photograph: KRAKDENT)

Tue. 27. February 2018


CRACOW, Poland: Poland’s premier international dental fair, KRAKDENT, will be taking place from 8 to 10 March. With over 430 exhibitors and an expected 15,000 visitors, the organisers are predicting it will be the most successful event to date. As in previous years, companies will be presenting the latest of their innovative products, lectures will be held by internationally prominent speakers and practical training will be on offer.

New this year, KRAKDENT has invited linguistics professor Jerzy Bralczyk to present a lecture on language. Appearing often on Polish TV, Bralczyk is well known in Poland for his humour and charm. Speaking to Dental Tribune International, project manager Beata Simon said, “We wanted to organise something different for our visitors, not really connected with dentistry but amusing and smart at the same time.”

As in previous years, KRAKDENT will also feature its Dental Spaghetti congress. Starting in 2002, it has grown to become a very popular addition. According to the organisers, this year’s congress will offer a significant amount of knowledge delivered straight from world-class specialists in almost every dental field.

“This year’s edition is about new technologies and digital options versus conventional methods. What is unique about Dental Spaghetti is the round table discussion held at the end of the congress. Here, anybody can ask questions of any of the speakers and receive an answer on the spot,” said Simon.

Interested dental professionals who would like more information about the congress or companies looking to book one of the few remaining exhibition spaces can click here.

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