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Interdisciplinary approach to treatment of maxillary radicular cysts: Minimization of surgical invasiveness and medication load

Taking into consideration the active lifestyle of most of our working patients with maxillary odontogenic radicular cysts, such patients require more ...


Diagnosis and management of a rare case of a maxillary second molar with two palatal roots - Supported by conventional radiography and CBCT

Besides adequate knowledge of root canal morphology in general, it is of utmost importance to evaluate each individual case for aberrant anatomy and to ...


First impressions matter: The importance of online branding

Every dental practice seeks to attract a specific type of patient, whether it is local families or people requiring specialist treatment. First impressions ...


Why online and social media marketing is important for dentists

The importance of digital marketing is increasing every day. Around 3.6 billion people are connected to the Internet on their phones. In Europe, the density...


Lateral maxillary incisor implant – Key issues for aesthetic success

Faced by a missing lateral incisor, practitioners often consider a wide range of issues and are also faced by numerous treatment options: 1. in a young ...


CAD/CAM custom-milled titanium bar for rehabilitation of an atrophic upper jaw

CAD/CAM is playing an increasing role in the production of implant-retained prostheses. These digital technologies constitute a major advancement in terms ...


Biohit expands distribution to dental industry

HELSINKI, Finland: With a new business partner, Finnish health care company Biohit has expanded into the dental industry. As of June, the company’s ...


Smile analysis and photoshop smile design technique

Dental facial aesthetics can be defined in three ways. Traditionally, dental and facial aesthetics have been defined in terms of macro- and micro-elements. ...


CAD/CAM-fabricated lingual retainers made of nitinol

Do we need computer-fabricated lingual retainers? What are their advantages over conventional technology and how have they proven themselves in clinical ...


Supernumerary teeth: Diagnosis and treatment

We report the case of a 17-year-old patient who came into the clinic because she had noticed a colour change to the maxillary left central incisor (tooth ...


No loss of diagnostic imaging quality with low-radiation settings

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., USA/HELSINKI, Finland: While the individual risk of oral and maxillofacial imaging is small, radiation dose is a significant public ...


Restorative-driven implant therapy

Digital dentistry has changed the way I practice— for the better. I’m a prosthodontist practicing out of Monterey, Calif. I’ve got a ...


The use of existing locators to stabilize a CBCT-software derived surgical guide - Conversion of a mandibular removable to a fixed prosthesis

Dental implants have become one of the most predictable treatment alternatives for patients who are missing teeth. Despite the high success rates, which are...


Electric silicone toothbrush promises superior brushing experience

STOCKHOLM, Sweden: The candy-coloured line of all-silicone toothbrushes from Swedish brand FOREO is definitely eye-catching in the bathroom, but the ISSA is...


Virtual reality simulation: Indications and perspectives in the field of dental education

Virtual reality (VR) simulation inevitably conjures up images of futuristic technology, imaginary worlds or complex robotic devices. What it may not ...


Birmingham welcomes professionals to two days of innovation, learning and fun

BIRMINGHAM, UK: A few weeks ago, the International Dental Show in Cologne in Germany achieved another record outcome of 135,000 visitors. During the five ...


Tackling poor oral health around the globe

COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have examined the benefits of enhanced oral health promotion combined with a closely ...


Improved CBCT diagnostic acuity with the ‘Lip-Lift’ technique

The use of three-dimensional (3-D) CBCT imaging has evolved quickly as the worldwide method of choice to aid in the diagnosis and treatment planning for ...


Clean dental implants essential for clinical success

COLOGNE, Germany: Dental implant surfaces are continuously being improved to achieve better and faster integration with the bone. However, a study being ...


Low-level laser therapy in dentistry: New opportunities to treat your patients

Laser therapy is not a foreign concept to most dental practitioners as many practitioners include surgical lasers in their arsenal of high-tech equipment. ...


Interview: “It is our mission to simplify dental implantology”

MIS Implants Technologies is a global specialist in the development and production of advanced dental implantology products and solutions. At the beginning ...


Forensic odontology—Broader than just identification

Nowadays, most people will associate forensic dentistry primarily with identification and bite mark analysis. These areas do indeed form the majority of an ...


Interview: “Bowie’s teeth were like everything else about him: different”

David Bowie was undoubtedly a major figure in popular music in the 1970s and 1980s. He is also one of the many celebrities who have undergone cosmetic ...


Pre-orthodontic options for 21st-century parents

As a matter of routine, when accepting an orthodontic treatment plan, parents are required to acknowledge the risk that their children’s teeth could ...


Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Is dentistry ready for a new standard of care?

Since its commercial introduction into dentistry in 2001, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been rapidly evolving into a new standard of care in ...


Tooth-whitening update: The crux of the matter

Adding to the already very strict laws and restrictions in the area of dental hygiene, on top of the constantly growing demands placed on dental practices, ...


Botiss presents scholarship for European implantology diploma

BERLIN, Germany: At its first global bone & tissue days world dental congress, botiss biomaterials offered the opportunity to win a one-year course at ...


Advantages of 3-D planning for implants

Implantology is predominantly a surgical and prosthetic subject area. Its aim is both functional and aesthetic restoration. Today, one can place an implant ...


An implant-supported prosthetic restoration concept for edentulous atrophied maxillae

Autogenous bone block grafts, bone grafting material or a combination of both can be used to restore an implant site of adequate dimensions in an atrophied ...


Immediate implantation and full-ceramic restoration in the maxillary anterior region

Implant-supported single-tooth crowns in the aesthetic zone are a special challenge, particularly when immediate implantation is planned—if there is ...
