Premiere Digital Dentistry Show kicks off in Berlin

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Premiere Digital Dentistry Show kicks off in Berlin

The 2024 Digital Dentistry Show will welcome over 2,000 registered participants and more than 70 international exhibitors. (Image: Dental Tribune International)

Fri. 28. June 2024


BERLIN, Germany: The wait is finally over. Pioneering in its approach to encouraging technological advancements in the field, the Digital Dentistry Show is taking centre stage in Berlin this weekend. The event—DDS.Berlin—is Germany’s first trade fair exclusively dedicated to the latest digital technologies in dentistry. Attendees and industry experts can look forward to a comprehensive scientific programme focused on the latest trends and innovations in dentistry and dental technology and ample professional networking opportunities at a unique event location, the industrial ARENA BERLIN, which was built in the Golden Twenties and is set in the very heart of Germany’s capital.

Taking place today and tomorrow, DDS.Berlin 2024 boasts over 2,000 registered participants and over 70 exhibitors from 12 countries. During the event, prominent dental experts will be holding more than 60 free-of-charge lectures and workshops on topics such as digital workflows, CAD/CAM, 3D printing and artificial intelligence, and attendees will have the opportunity to earn up to 16 continuing education credits for taking part in the lecture programme.

Curated in close collaboration with the Digital Dentistry Society, the event will offer live product presentations, workshops, discussion sessions and an exhibition to provide attendees with first-hand knowledge of and personalised advice on digital dentistry products and services.

“Digital dentistry is transforming the way we diagnose and treat our patients. It is a field where technology and science converge to offer unprecedented precision, efficiency and patient outcomes. Our programme aims to reflect this transformation by offering insights and discussions that are rooted in scientific rigour yet highly applicable to daily clinical practice,” commented Dr Henriette Lerner, the scientific programme coordinator of DDS.Berlin.

To celebrate the event’s launch, the first day will conclude with the DDS.Berlin Summer Party, giving participants the opportunity to relax and socialise. The party will be held at the nearby Badeschiff, which includes a beach bar and swimming pool, and will feature live music by DJ OKizZ.

For more information about DDS.Berlin, please visit Registration for the event, workshops and party is free of charge and still open.

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