Dental News - Public discussion on oral health inequality to take place at EU Parliament

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Public discussion on oral health inequality to take place at EU Parliament

A public discussion in June to be hosted by the Council of European Dentists and a Member of the European Parliament will focus on issues of inequality in oral health care in Europe. (Photograph: symbiot/Shutterstock)

Wed. 23. May 2018


BRUSSELS, Belgium: While parts of Europe have far better health care systems than other countries around the world, the issue of health care inequality, particularly regarding oral health, is still a significant problem. To bring more attention to the issue and to discuss the various areas of concern, the Council of European Dentists will be hosting the “Health Inequalities—Oral Health for All” public event on 19 June in Brussels.

The 2-hour discussion will take place in the European Parliament building complex and involve representatives from EU institutions, non-governmental organisations, dentists, public health organisations and other stakeholders. To be hosted by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Nessa Childers, the discussion will focus on gaps in access to and provision of oral care to vulnerable populations in Europe.

Childers is an Irish-born politician who has been an MEP since 2009. With a long family history in politics—her father served as the fourth President of Ireland—she is part of the Party of European Socialists, but serves as an independent politician.

The Council of European Dentists is a European not-for-profit association that represents over 340,000 practising dentists through 32 national dental associations and chambers of 30 European countries. According to its website, its key objectives are to promote high standards of oral health care and effective professional practice centred on patient safety across Europe, including through regular contacts with other European organisations and EU institutions.

Those interested in attending the public event can obtain more information and register, which is mandatory, here.

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