Dental News - Sunstar Foundation hosts Perio Link Night to talk about the Achilles heel of elite athletes

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Sunstar Foundation hosts Perio Link Night to talk about the Achilles heel of elite athletes

Discussing the topic "Oral health: The Achilles heel of athletes" at the Sunstar Foundation's Perio Link Night (from left to right): Elianne Kuepers, Dr Mike Loosemore, Prof. Ian Needleman, and Dr Marzia Massignani. (Photograph: Sunstar Foundation)

Wed. 27. June 2018


AMSTERDAM, Netherlands: In front of an appreciative audience, the Sunstar Foundation welcomed a variety of notable guests both from and outside of periodontics to Perio Link Night in Amsterdam on 22 June. Held to coincide with EuroPerio9, the event took place at the Loft in the iconic A’DAM Tower, offering attendees splendid panoramic views of the Amsterdam cityscape and port.

Under the theme of “Oral health: The Achilles heel of elite athletes”, the Dutch journalist Elianne Kuepers moderated a lively and entertaining discussion about how elite athletes may neglect their oral health and how this can impact on their ability to perform at the highest levels. Dr Mike Loosemore, MBE, chief medical officer to the British Olympic Boxing and Snow Sports teams, described the difficulty he has experienced in convincing athletes to take care of their teeth, amusing the crowd as he recounted novel methods he had employed to achieve success in this regard. Dr Ian Needleman, Professor of Periodontology and Evidence-Informed Healthcare at University College London’s Eastman Dental Institute in the UK, discussed the findings from research he has conducted on the prevention of injury and protection of athletes’ health. Joining them on stage was Dr Marzia Massignani, Senior Manager of Scientific Affairs and Corporate Communications at Sunstar, who emphasised the need for a holistic approach to health for maximising sports performance and introduced a video series of testimonials on the subject from high-performing athletes such as Anthony Joshua, OBE, British world heavyweight boxing champion.

An interview with Dr Paul Boom, the Chief Dental Officer of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, followed, with Boom outlining some of the initiatives his team had employed to improve oral health status in the Netherlands. The interview allowed some of the dental professionals in the audience to share stories on how they had helped to raise awareness of the importance of oral health in their local communities.

After these engaging discussions, it was time for the Sunstar Foundation to recognise some of the most outstanding current research in the field of periodontics with the World Perio Research Award (the winners are listed here) and the first Perio Link Award (readers can learn more here).

To cap off the presentations, Mayumi Kaneda, Director of the Sunstar Foundation, was welcomed to the stage to deliver some closing remarks. She enthusiastically spoke of her satisfaction with the night’s proceedings and reaffirmed the foundation’s commitment to supporting and rewarding research and innovation in the field of oral health.

A Japanese company founded in 1932, Sunstar was established with the mission of improving the health and well-being of its customers through its products and services in the oral care, health and beauty, engineering and chemicals industries. The Sunstar Foundation was established in 1977 to actively promote better oral health by supporting and developing research regarding the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease, among other conditions, as well as a multitude of social initiatives, oral health awards and grants. Readers can find out more at

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