Dental News - TePe Share clinical symposium explores relationship between cardiovascular disease and oral care

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TePe Share clinical symposium explores relationship between cardiovascular disease and oral care

At the TePe Share clinical symposium in November, dental professionals and students will have the opportunity to update their knowledge of treating patients with cardiovascular disease in the dental practice. (Image: TePe)


Tue. 18. October 2022


MALMÖ, Sweden: As a follow-up to last year’s clinical symposium, which was the first of its kind for TePe, the Swedish oral health company is hosting a panel discussion by a multidisciplinary team of experts on how the connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease impacts patient care and treatment outcomes. The online event, which will take place on 9 November, will be broadcast live from a studio in Malmö and enable audience interaction.

In the approximately 165-minutes discussion, global experts will reflect on the past, present and possible future of caring for patients with cardiovascular disease and periodontitis. In light of the growing ageing population and an increase in lifestyle diseases, the knowledge from this symposium will truly be of use for dental professionals in their daily clinical practice.

The discussants are German periodontist Prof. Søren Jepsen, British dental hygienist Helen Minnery and Swedish cardiologist Dr Anna Norhammar. The event will be moderated by the eminent Dr Lars Rydén, professor of cardiology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm in Sweden.

The speakers will present and discuss the mechanistic relationship between cardiovascular disease and periodontitis, as well as guidelines for the shared care of patients. Prof. Jepsen will explain the link between oral and systemic health using impressive video animation and present the 2019 consensus report from the workshop organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and the World Heart Federation. He will also share some insights from his more recent collaboration with the latter organisation.

Among other things, Dr Norhammar will share findings from the PAROKRANK study, which showed a positive association between periodontitis and a first myocardial infarction. Minnery will share insights from her 30 years of clinical experience working with a team approach. She will give examples of shared care and discuss the practical impact that our improved understanding of the links between oral and systemic health can have on everyday work in dental practice.

The online symposium, which will start on 9 November at 7 p.m. CET, is targeted at dental professionals and students. Participants may be eligible for continuing education credits. Registration is open at A recording of the event will be provided to all registrants afterwards.

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