Dental News - “These are high-quality endodontic files that simplify treatment and make it quicker”

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“These are high-quality endodontic files that simplify treatment and make it quicker”

Prof. Gianluca Gambarini onsite at IDS 2023. (Image: DTI)

Fri. 17. March 2023


One thing that has become clear at IDS 2023 is that younger dentists are doing things differently. At the trade show, Dental Tribune International spoke with Prof. Gianluca Gambarini about DirectEndodontics, a new company that is dedicated to serving modern clinicians. According to the key opinion leader, the new generation of dentists is highly enthusiastic about endodontics and has a different approach to it.

Prof. Gambarini, what can you tell us about DirectEndodontics and its files?
DirectEndodontics is a new company that is based on a very interesting concept: making high-quality products available online and selling them directly to dentists. This has some obvious advantages in terms of pricing, but the company is also very innovative. Its files are made in Europe and they are produced with an innovative heat treatment. These qualities make the files unique and help them to stand out from the crowd—particularly owing to the heat treatment, which gives the files high cyclic fatigue resistance and flexibility that respects the root canal anatomy.

As a key opinion leader, what has your experience with the files been?
I can say that these are high-quality instruments. It could, perhaps, come as a surprise to some clinicians that this level of quality is directly available online. However, this is something that we are becoming increasingly used to. Coming from Italy, I can say that high-fashion items are a good example. Previously, these could only be found in stores; nowadays, one can buy them online and still get a perfect fit. It is simply a different way of approaching things.

For reciprocating and rotary files, I think it is easier, because users can test their performance and reorder them with ease. DirectEndodontics offers a selection of four different file systems—both reciprocating and rotary instruments. I personally like to have both motion options on hand because sometimes I prefer to have reciprocation; in other cases, it might prove faster or more comfortable for me to use a more traditional rotary file.

DirectEndodontics’s busy booth at IDS 2023. (Image: DTI)

What stands out for you about the quality?
The instruments undergo a heat treatment that really stands out as being both highly effective and efficient. In a world that is rapidly changing and evolving, root canal therapy is evolving too. Clinicians want treatment to be faster without decreasing treatment quality. What I like most about DirectEndodontics’ files is that they enable just that. These are high-quality endodontic files that simplify treatment and make it quicker.

What kinds of clinicians are using the files?
The majority of people I have spoken with about the instruments—also here at IDS—have been younger dental professionals. They are very enthusiastic about endodontics, and they have a different approach to it. The case results are brilliant! Obviously, the treatment result depends on the clinician and the instrument that is used; from what I have seen, DirectEndodontics’ instruments in the hands of this new generation of clinicians is helping them to work at their best and to achieve the best results. The unique heat treatment is one aspect of the files which visitors to IDS have appreciated most.

What do you think about the cost-savings?
It is great to save money, but not if the quality suffers. When I started in endodontics, many years ago, we used to go to dealers’ offices, or they would come to us. Eventually, we started to receive catalogues from the dealers, and now we have companies offering directly online, even offering free shipping. I think that offering products online also says something about their quality: they have to be good, otherwise you simply cannot convince the customer! You have to prove that your instruments are better.

Do you have a personal favourite in the DirectEndodontics range?
When I teach endodontics, I emphasise that instruments need to be flexible and resistant in cutting. It comes down to personal preference, but I like to use DIRECT-R GOLD because of its very fast single-file reciprocation technique. It makes my treatment outcomes very predictable and efficient, and I am able to treat nearly all of my cases with it. That is something that I appreciate a lot.

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