Dental News - Tradition meets innovation with BEGO’s VarseoSmile Crown <sup>plus</sup>

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Tradition meets innovation with BEGO’s VarseoSmile Crown plus

Ansger Volke, master dental technician and digital implant solutions specialist at BEGO. (Image: Dental Tribune International)

Fri. 28. June 2024


BERLIN, Germany: Digital dental technologies are changing the way that dental technicians work and attendees at DDS.Berlin 2024 heard that long-perfected analogue techniques are providing a strong foundation for the ongoing digital transition. At the event, which is taking place on 27 and 28 June, BEGO, a specialist in the development of dental 3D-printing materials, presented its latest products to an audience of dental technicians, including a prosthetic restoration solution that it says achieves the same standard of aesthetics and function as conventional full denture fabrication.

At the premiere Digital Dentistry Show, Ansger Volke, master dental technician and digital implant solutions specialist at BEGO, told attendees that the company prides itself on developing innovative dental technologies that are rooted in the analogue tradition that has shaped the character of dental prosthetic treatment solutions. Volke introduced VarseoSmile Crown plus to the audience, a ceramic-filled hybrid material for 3D printing permanent restorations that holds advantages for both dental laboratories and practitioners. 

Referring to extensive scientific studies that are available on the company’s website, Volke explained that laboratories stand to benefit from the accuracy, reproducibility and versatility that VarseoSmile Crown plus provides. Printed restorations can be adapted and repaired outside the patient’s mouth while maintaining stability, or reprinted entirely, owing to the low material cost. The material has been specially adapted to dental applications, enabling practitioners to easily grind and polish printed prosthetics using customary tools. 

As well as achieving scientifically proven high bond strength with commercially available luting agents, VarseoSmile Crown plus can be easily and securely fixed in the patient’s mouth with only minimal effort to prepare the contact surfaces. 

Volke said that a structured digital workflow helps to align innovation with tradition, bringing a high degree of efficiency and safety for the patient. “The message is, just go for it,” he commented. 

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