Dental News - Webinar to focus on tooth shade in modern restorative dentistry

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Webinar to focus on tooth shade in modern restorative dentistry

Webinar hosts Drs. Christian del Rey Schnitzler and Guillermo Carrera Gonzalez-Orús have over 35 years’ experience in dentistry combined. In the free webinar, they will be discussing the importance of seeing and distinguishing between tooth shades in modern restorative dentistry. (Image: Mikko Lemola/Shutterstock)

Mon. 23. April 2018


NEW YORK, U.S.: In daily practice, the shade of a tooth’s surface guides practitioners’ decisions. In a free Dental Tribune Study Club webinar on Wednesday, April 25, Drs. Christian del Rey Schnitzler and Guillermo Carrera Gonzalez-Orús will be focusing on the importance of seeing and distinguishing between tooth colors and how to make the best decision within modern restorative dentistry.

During the webinar, the hosts will be explaining the clinical relevance of using magnification and how it positively affects the most important variables of a dentist’s vision. According to Del Rey Schnitzler and Gonzalez-Orús, new features of modern microscopes provide an augmented visualization that takes the concept of color-guided dentistry further than ever before. Clinicians today can select both different levels of magnification, as well as the proper light source for each part of the clinical procedure, making their work more precise and less invasive and the results more predictable.

Gonzalez-Orús has 19 years of experience in dentistry, with a practice focused on endodontics, periodontics and oral rehabilitation. He received his degree in dentistry in 1996 from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Del Rey Schnitzler has 20 years’ experience as a clinical dentist and has been using microscopes since 2003. He received his degree in dentistry in 1997, also from the Complutense University of Madrid.

The 1-hour webinar, titled “Colour guided dentistry—The key to success in modern restorative dentistry,” will be broadcast live on Wednesday, April 25, at 12 p.m.EDT. Attendance is free of charge after easy registration on the website. Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic.

Dental professionals who are interested in attending the course may register online here.

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