People - Vanik Kaufmann-Jinoian - Dental Tribune International

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Vanik Kaufmann-Jinoian

Vanik Kaufmann-Jinoian

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Vanik Kaufmann-Jinoian was born in 1958 in Calcutta in India, and later moved to a city near Basel in Switzerland, where he completed his education and trained as a certified dental technician. He honed his dental skills working in various dental laboratories across Switzerland. During this period, he spent a few years in the US to learn marketing techniques. Upon returning to Switzerland, he joined the VITA Zahnfabrik and became the youngest international ceramic demonstrator in the world. Kaufmann has taught ceramic courses globally and, in 1990, he opened his own high-quality dental laboratory near Basel. This laboratory is renowned for encompassing all facets of modern dentistry and serves as a testing site for new dental materials. Notably, Kaufmann was the first technician in a group of five who collaborated with Siemens 40 years ago to develop the pioneering CAD/CAM technology for dental labs. An avid innovator, Kaufmann played a pivotal role in initiating various CAD/CAM systems. He also taught at the master dental technicians school in Switzerland as a CAD/CAM instructor. In addition to his professional pursuits, Kaufmann has authored several books and numerous articles for dental magazines worldwide and is a respected speaker at major dental symposiums.
