3M APC Flash-Free Adhesive

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3M APC Flash-Free Adhesive

Using advanced technology, APC Flash-Free Adhesive lets you move directly from bracket placement to bracket cure without removing adhesive flash – no clean up!
A new transparent APC adhesive formulation is contained within a form-fitting fiber mat on the base of the bracket. When the APC Flash-Free adhesive coated bracket is placed on the tooth, the adhesive spreads out and conforms to the tooth surface, making uniform and consistent contact with no flash to clean up.
With flash-free convenience, bonding can now be even better than you imagined. Now is the time to change from traditional bonding to the ease and efficiency of the APC Flash-Free Adhesive Coated Appliance System.

  • Eliminates the flash removal step. No adhesive flash clean-up.
  • Saves bonding time for doctor, staff and patient, up to 40% per bracket.
  • Protects tooth enamel under the adhesive
  • No excess adhesive to remove when braces are bonded reduces the amount of adhesive waste and makes debonding easier
  • Improves patient bonding/debonding experience
  • Reduced Bonding: only 5 steps vs. 11 steps.
  • Demonstrated bond failure rate of less than 2%* for a reliable and predictable bonding experience
  • Strength and cure time comparable to 3M Transbond XT and other APC Adhesive
  • Excellent tack and workability before light-cure

