Bambach Saddle Seats Dental Chair

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Bambach Saddle Seats Dental Chair

A staggering 86% of dentists experience pain in their lower back, neck or shoulders with many having to take time away from their practice as a result.

The Bambach dental chair not only helps you protect your biggest asset - you and your staff, it can actually improve your poductivity at work by:

  • "Allowing you to get closer to your patients" and letting your arms work at a more natural angle and height. This helps precision and reduces strain on your neck, shoulders and lower back.
  • "Reducing fatigue" through improved breathing and circulation.
  • "Prolonging your working life" by eliminating shoulder and back pain.

While sitting on a Bambach dental stool your spine in its neutral position all major joints are in balance, your core muscle groups are engaged and fatigue is reduced leaving you feeling less tired at the of of the day.
