FGM Whiteness Perfect

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FGM Whiteness Perfect

Dental bleaching gel based on Carbamide Peroxide in concentrations of 10%, 16%, and 22%. Dual desensitizing action: Potassium Nitrate and Sodium Fluoride. For home use under professional supervision.



  • Excellent viscosity (does not run off the dental tray).
  • Neutral pH gel prevents dental demineralization.
  • Rich formula with glycol, high water content, and two desensitizing agents: potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.
  • Each kit if used properly will bleach both arches fully and provide long lasting results.
  • The mini kit provides enough gel for bleaching one arch or executing a complete retouch. (both arches)
  • Each syringe lasts up to 9 applications.
  • Versatile if combined with in office bleachings.
  • Easily retouches bleachings performed previously.
  • Certified by the CE (European Community).
  • Product leader in the market.
  • Valid for 2 years.