Fluorescence Mode of ZEISS EXTARO 300

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Fluorescence Mode of ZEISS EXTARO 300

Repair caries-infected fillings efficiently.

The Fluorescence Mode1 in ZEISS EXTARO 300 helps you to preserve as much of the healthy tooth substance as possible and supports detection of carious tooth substances during excavation of previously opened cavities.
Identification of carious tissue under microscope saves precious time as there is no need to interrupt the workflow for visual support.

Identify the border between natural and artificial tooth material.

The Fluorescence Mode also supports you in distinguishing natural hard tooth tissue from the most widely used dental composite resins2. Using this clear visual differentiation will help you to target the affected area quickly, saving you valuable chair time during excavation.

More information


1Fluorescence Mode for caries detection is not available for sale in the USA, requires 510(k) clearance by the U.S. FDA and may be subject to change. Not for sale in every market.
2See user manual

Application image courtesy of Dr. Tomas Lang, Essen, Germany
