Kerr Harmonize

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Kerr Harmonize

Kerr Dental’s Harmonize is the next generation universal composite infused with ART (Adaptive Response Technology). It’s the ART in Harmonize that creates enhanced structural integrity to provide exceptional aesthetics, handling and strength.
Just like a natural human tooth, Harmonize reflects diffuse light at lower wavelengths and specular light at higher wavelengths. This results in better blending than other composites, for natural looking restorations. The particle size and structure also offer easier polishability, and, when used with Opti1Step polisher, have demonstrated better and more consistent results than the competition.
The composite acts as a flowable while sculpting, making it easy to shape. Once sculpting is complete, it assumes a more viscous state to prevent the material from slumping.
Very small spherical silica and zirconia particles are linked together and fused in a reinforced structure. This improves the interaction and crosslinking between the filler network and the resin matrix, resulting in more efficient polymerisation and higher strength.
