TitaniumBase EV

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TitaniumBase EV

Acting on an increased need for dental laboratories to design and manufacture CAD/CAM restorations using their preferred workflow, DENTSPLY Implants introduces TitaniumBase EV*. This treatment solution provides dental professionals with the opportunity to deliver good results to whom it matters the most—the patients.

Björn Roland, MDT, at the Dental-Design Schnellbaecher & Roland dental laboratory in Klein-Winternheim, Germany, has been a part of the development of this solution.

“TitaniumBase EV fills a need for the dental laboratory and demand in the market. It allows me to design the final restoration in a digital workflow that I choose.”

TitaniumBase EV combines the proven design of a titanium abutment and the benefits of an individually designed ceramic component. Specifically, TitaniumBase EV provides high mechanical integrity and offers a strong and stable base for the ceramic restoration.

It is important that new solutions are built upon well-documented implant systems that are proven in the long term. Being manufactured with the highest precision, TitaniumBase EV meets the important requirement of the Conical Seal Design, one of the proven interdependent features of the ASTRA TECH Implant System BioManagement Complex.

The TitaniumBase EV digital workflow and library files are developed for the 3Shape Dental System. TitaniumBase is also available for DENTSPLY Implants’ ANKYLOS and XiVE implant lines.

ASTRA TECH Implant System EV
TitaniumBase EV is part of the ASTRA TECH Implant System EV, a next generation implant system designed with a site-specific, crown-down approach based on the natural dentition for increased surgical simplicity and flexibility and restorative ease—without compromising the unique ASTRA TECH Implant System BioManagement Complex. ASTRA TECH Implant System EV is a result of the collaborative input and insights from dental professionals throughout the global dental industry.

* TitaniumBase EV is available in all markets accepting the CE mark.
