XO Osseo

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XO Osseo

Powerful motor
XO Osseo is a two-phase brushless motor with a very high torque of 6,5 Ncm1. You do not need to increase the speed of the bur when the bone gets denser and therefore you obtain regular implant hole which is optimal for osseointegration.

Constant speed
The motor operates at speed range from 300 to 40.000 RPM. Fitted with a 20:1 reduction contra-angle the minimal rotation is 15 RPM. Since XO Osseo is two-phased, the drill moves regularly, even at low speeds. This allows you to work without irrigation, thus preserving vital osseous material that will add to stability and quick integration of the implant.

Hands free operation
You operate the motor with a foot control and you maintain the aseptic work environment.

The reliability you need
With XO Osseo you are sure that the drill will never block. The motor does not warm up and does not require maintenance.

Aseptic work environment
With XO Osseo you are sure that your work environment is well prepared for every surgery. Cord, motor handpiece and access keys are autoclavable. The control box and XO 4 workstation1 have easy to clean surfaces and are coated with antibacterial paint.

Higher success rate
With XO Osseo you not only work very precisely. You also minimize the duration of the surgical procedure, and thereby the risk of infection and the amount of anesthetics used. All this increases your surgery success rate.

External irrigation
The motor is fitted with an external peristaltic pump, which allows you to use sterile saline. When drilling at high speeds, you are able to keep the low tissue temperature and therefore avoid necrosis.

XO 4-6 Integration
XO Osseo can be easily fitted on any XO 4-6 workstation. Simply place it on a standard micro motor hose and supply irrigation liquid from the XO Peristaltic Pump. You control speed and amount of irrigation with XO Foot Control and by using XO Smart Link you can work with XO Instrument Programs.

A well planned surgery
XO Osseo uses Implant Access Keys and is pre-programmed to fit major implant systems. The display shows speed, torque and irrigation recommended by the implant manufacturer. The implant is fitted in several steps. Each step provides the exact parameters needed. You proceed from one step to the next one just by touching the foot control. The only thing you need to do is to be sure that the right bur is fitted.
