GlaxoSmithKline - Middle East - Dental Tribune International Business Archive - Articles

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GlaxoSmithKline - Middle East articles

Shining the brightest light on sensitive teeth

Ever wondered the connection between sensitive teeth and Roman artefacts buried in the family villa of Julius Caesar? The answer is the size of eight ...


Getting mouthy about sensitivity

Making a proactive diagnosis of dentine hypersensitivity could help strengthen the dental healthcare professional-patient relationship. This may be ...


Understanding the psychology of the dentine hypersensitvity patient

Do patients and dentists think dentine hypersensitivity is a minor oral health issue or a chronic condition? Insight from wider sociological and ...


Talking: The first step to trusting

It’s a tough fact to face but people generally don’t like going to their dentist. Good communication skills and talking about issues at the mild end of ...
